If You Don't Live in Coral Gables
The manatees don't belong to a city. They are animals native to Florida that need help being protected from irresponsible development so they don't face extinction. But Gables Waterway project will be decided by the
City of Coral Gables, through its commissioners, mayor and vice mayor, who appoint the people who decide whether those projects should be accepted or denied (so they ultimately decide to approve or not a project).
Local politicians are very sensible to votes and the opinion of the citizens from the city of Coral Gables. Their decisions can be influenced if the people from the city participate in the meetings, send e-mails and schedule meetings with them, showing that we oppose to the approval of construction projects that are may harm the manatees and/or are disproportionate for the city and bad for its people.
Additionally, the local politicians are also very sensitive to media coverage, opinions about their positions, so any media coverage that shows that they can be not aligned with the interests of the citizens can have a very big effect.
If you don't vote in the City of Coral Gables, you can still help oppose to this project:
Influence through Social Media
Reach out to environmentalists, journalists, politicians, send them this website and the link of the project uploaded in the City of Coral Gables (in the link below and on menu page "Gables Waterway project").
Reach out through social media the city of Coral Gables, the mayor, vice mayor and commissioners.
Comments on their social media platforms can help us raise awareness and avoid the approval of this project as it is.
Follow and share the instagram @savethemanatees_cg​
Together, we can raise awareness and save the manatees.
1. Mayor Vince Lago: vlago@coralgables.com
X (twitter): @Vince_Lago​
2. Vice Mayor Rhonda Anderson: randerson@coralgables.com
X(twitter): @RAndersonCGabls
3. Commissioner Ariel Fernandez: ariel@coralgables.com
FB/Instagram/X(twitter): @commishariel
4. Commissioner Melissa Castro: mcastro@coralgables.com
FB/Instagram: @commissionermelissacastro
5. Commissioner Kirk Menendez: kmenendez@coralgables.com
Sign the online petition and share it
Please sign and share our online petition to save the Manatees. This can make a difference and help us show that we need to preserve the habitat of this endangered species. If we have lots of people from the whole world signing this petition, we gain force to fight against the irresponsible development.